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The Atypical Blog - The World of Cigars

Les cigares dans la pop culture : quand le tabac devient une icône

May 3, 2023

Cigars in pop culture: when tobacco becomes an icon

Cigars have always had a commanding presence in pop culture, becoming a symbol of sophistication, power, or simply...
La FAQs de la cave à cigare : 10 questions pour tout savoir sur les humidors

Apr 17, 2023

Cigar humidor FAQs: 10 questions to know everything about humidors

How long can I store cigars in a humidor? You can store cigars in a humidor for several months or even y...
La Cave à Cigare : Tout ce que vous devez savoir avant d'en acheter une.

Mar 23, 2023

The Cigar Cellar: Everything you need to know before buying one.

If you are a cigar aficionado, you may have heard of the cigar humidor. This specialized wooden box is designed to s...
Comment choisir le bon Cendrier à cigare ?

Feb 26, 2023

How to choose the right cigar ashtray?

Cigar ashtrays are important accessories for cigar lovers. They help maintain a clean and tidy environment while smoking, avoiding ash and cigarette butts that can easily cause fires or damage surfaces.
Bien choisir son Coupe-cigares

Jan 19, 2023

Choosing the right cigar cutter

There are several reasons why it is better to use a cigar cutter to cut the head of a cigar: Precision: Ciga...
Cave à cigares, comment ça marche ?

Apr 28, 2022

Cigar cabinet, how does it work?

As a novice, you have probably heard of the expression " Cigar Cave " and you know that it plays a vital role in th...
Comment recharger un briquet à cigare ?

Feb 4, 2022

How to refill a cigar lighter?

You have just purchased a lighter in our Workshop, for security reasons it will be delivered to you without gas. Th...
Taille de cigare et étui à cigare compatible : Déterminer la taille d'un cigare

Oct 29, 2021

Cigar size and compatible cigar case: Determining the size of a cigar

Cigar cases are designed to only be able to hold a certain type of cigar depending on the model chosen. It is the...
Comment préparer votre cave à cigares ?

Jan 9, 2021

How to prepare your cigar humidor?

Have you just purchased a Cigar Humidor? It is imperative to prepare it well before installing your cigars. Above ...
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